Where you can find us
4 Marshall Road, 229 Wappingers Farms, NY 12590
Get in touch
(1) 845 345 5996

What We Do

Customized services to meet the needs of specific customers.

About B. I. INC

Biinc is pleased to offer life coaching and career coaching services services. At BIINC, we customize our services to the specific needs of each client. Individuals are unique and have different goals.
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$75 - 125
per session
45 minutes per session45 minutes per session
Prices vary with location (online, virtual or in-person)Prices vary with location (online, virtual or in-person)
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$100 - 150
per session
45 minutes per session45 minutes per session
Prices vary with location (online, virtual or in-person)Prices vary with location (online, virtual or in-person)
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$100 - 150
per session
45 minutes per session45 minutes per session
Prices vary with location (online, virtual or in-person)Prices vary with location (online, virtual or in-person)
We help you recognize your strengths, and understand what makes you, distinct. Our life coach experts will mentor and help you develop important skills, set goals and change your life.
Chuck Benedict Certified Life Coach
Chuck Benedict